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Magnolia Public School District

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Supervisor of Instruction

Mrs. Jennifer Pontarelli

(856) 783-2994 x821




Dear Magnolia community members,


It has been my pleasure to serve the Magnolia Public School District since the 2004-2005 school year; first as a substitute, then as a first grade teacher, and most recently as a third grade teacher. After working at Magnolia School for 15 years as an elementary teacher, it is an honor to serve the district as Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction. 


While I miss having my own students each year in the classroom, my current role combines the best of all worlds. I have a passion for differentiating instruction to ensure that each child progresses at his/her appropriate pace, whether that be through an Individualized Education Plan, through Response to Intervention, or through advanced/accelerated instruction. I'm also the proud parent of one student with special needs and another student with a 504 plan, so I share parental insight in regards to navigating the world of unique student needs. 


As Curriculum Supervisor, I work with the staff to implement the NJ Student Learning Standards, design instruction to meet all the students' learning needs, and use data to monitor student learning growth. 


As an educator and now as a school leader, it is a top priority of mine that students feel confident, cared for, and secure at school. It is also paramount that student instruction is differentiated so that all students benefit from the support, practice, and/or challenge that they need in order to flourish as a learner. 


If you have questions about your child's performance, curriculum, instruction, etc, please do not hesitate to reach out. The best way to contact me is via email.


I look forward to working with you and your children.  



Jen Pontarelli