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Magnolia School District Overview

  Magnolia Public School, located in Magnolia, New Jersey, is a one school district with approximately 400 students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight. The school offers a well-rounded curriculum including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, physical education, art, music, instrumental music, world language, library science and computer science, basic skills remedial services and a special education program, including gifted and talented. Magnolia School is available for community use after school hours. . Computers and Internet access are available in both classroom and the Media Center.

 In addition to academics, the school offers programs that give students an opportunity to take part in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as art, band, choir and glee club, newspaper, student council, yearbook, National Junior Honor Society, basketball, and soccer.  We also encourage our students to be young leaders and empower them to work on service projects and participate in activities such as food drives for our local community. 

Magnolia School has approximately 75 staff members including administrators, teachers, nurse, aides, secretarial staff, cafeteria staff, custodial staff and an active PTO who are the "backbone" of our school and provide a wide range of services and opportunities to our students.  We have a seven member elected school board committed to the school improvement process, especially the instructional program.  Magnolia is one of four sending districts to Sterling Regional High School.  As a team, we remain committed to the work of identifying areas of need and aligning our academic activities with the core standards.  Community feedback is important and always welcome, so please feel free to contact the school at (856)783-4763 if you have any questions or wish to discuss programs and services.